Monday, April 28, 2014


IMG_6014 copyHappy (late) Easter! I have a great excuse this time… we moved the day before. We bought a house in a cute little town outside of Boise. And when I say little I mean that there is one grocery store (if you can call it a grocery store), they sell lumber and food and everything in between. There is one café, a pizza hut and a subway. That being said, we can get to the bigger store in 15-20 minutes. So it’s not living in the boonies like it sounds.
Moving has been going slow, I can’t do too much before I’m completely exhausted. Please take my advice and don’t move when you are 7 months pregnant. It’s not very fun and if it weren’t for the nesting instinct that has kicked in I probably wouldn’t accomplish anything. Luckily we both have the best parents ever, and they came and helped us out. So the house is live-able thanks to them, but still has so much work to be done.
Easter was a little chaotic because it was the day after the move, but I had everything set aside and we actually made it to church on time. I’ll count that as a miracle. We went out in the back yard after church and took some pictures. It was the first time in a while that I have even gotten my camera out.
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This is Tracker Jacker trying to pose. He tilted his head to copy the position I was in. And after that failed miserably then he let me know exactly how he felt about having his picture taken.
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And of course he had to throw in the duck lips. Not really sure why.
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