Friday, May 10, 2013

Hee Haw

IMG_5108 copyThis is us on the hay ride. With all the distractions around I am pretty pleased with this shot. The kids are mostly looking in the right direction.
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IMG_5096 copyIMG_5098 copyJack loved the animals. He even laughed when the cow tried to eat his hand.
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IMG_5130 copyIMG_5132 copySophie was terrified of the goats. She hid behind one of us every time one walked past. All until we saw the baby goats.IMG_5124 copyIMG_5128 copy1
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Kyla was trying hard to look brave in this photo above. But quickly was screaming after this photo as the sheep moved towards her.IMG_5139 copyIMG_5144 copyIMG_5148 copyIMG_5181 copyIMG_5182 copyIMG_5179 copy
Dustin took the girls down a big slide. As you can see from their little faces, it was clearly NOT their favorite part of the farm. I laugh every time I look at this.

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