Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter- 2013

It’s really hard to teach your children what Easter is really about when all they can think about is the Easter Bunny. So for the whole week before I quizzed my 4 year old. What is Easter for? What happened on Easter? Who is Easter about? I think she was sick of the questions, but I didn’t care because I wanted her to know. She needs to know that Jesus was resurrected, and that we will be too because of Him and what He did for us. She needs to know how important He is, because in this crazy world she will need an anchor. She will need hope and a reason to be moral and kind. I hope I can teach her and that she’ll understand.
IMG_4714 copyHere are my munchkins in their Easter clothes.IMG_4728 copyIMG_4761 copyIMG_4763 copyIMG_4765 copyIMG_4767 copyIMG_4781 copy
The Hunt.
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My parents try to stuff the eggs with little toys instead of candy. I’m glad because they got enough from the Easter Bunny as it was.
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My boysIMG_4753 copy
Our FamilyIMG_4785 copy
The cousins. Poor Jack, he’s the only boy out of 7 grandkids (even the one on the way is a girl).IMG_4792 copy
Me and my sisters.IMG_4812 copy
Easter was fantastic! Hope you had a fantastic day.
What do you do to teach your kids about the Resurrection?

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