Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Carder, Sophie's boyfriend, moved away to Boston. She was so sad. She's cried about it, said prayers for him, told me she misses him, and talked about him more than she did when he lived here. 
She thinks she's a teenager. 
Heaven help me when she actually is one. 

We had fun taking pictures and laughing about their poses. Such silly kids.

P.S. Kyla gets her cast off tomorrow morning!! Yay!!!!


Holli said...

I am so glad to know I am not the only person that Carder won't do a normal smile for!!! We miss you guys...tell Sophie that Carder says Hi!

charbetrichey said...

So glad to hear that Kyla is losing the cast. I bet she is excited.

Whitney Harris said...

ha ha. That is funny. Can't wait to hear how her first real break-up goes. :)

Yay for the cast off!

Jessi said...

oh that is too funny! (and sad too.. ) its always sad when friend move away !