Thursday, July 19, 2012


My poor sweet 2 year old fell down the stairs this week. She broke both bones right above her ankle, and today she got her pink cast. She'll be in it for 4 weeks, and then they'll get her in a short cast and she'll be able to walk. It's gonna be a LONG 4 weeks. 


charbetrichey said...

I feel really bad for her. AND I feel really bad for you. This might slow her down for a while, but I think your life will be a little more crazy. Hugs

Shanna said...

poor baby girl! she's absolutely adorable in that cast! sometimes their bangs and bruises and in your case, falls! hurt is more then they hurt them huh! :( so sad. i'm sorry leesh.

Cami Bringhurst said...

Poor Kid! and Poor Mom! It's not like taking care of a newborn is a cake walk and now a broken leg. Good luck Alisha!

Tina said...

I guess it is good she is a girl and can wear dresses, instead of finding shorts and pants that fit over the cast! 3 weeks down, one to go?!?! Sorry, I just checked your blog, but know that I'm thinking of you guys! Hang in there!