Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Cookie Monster

My mom came to help me out yesterday. I had some photo editing to get done, and I knew that wasn't going to happen with three kiddos. I suggested that they make cookies while Jack napped. 
Kyla took a handful of the chocolate crinkle cookie dough and had at it. I think she enjoyed herself a little too much. 

 My little Sophie is always asking to help me cook, so I wasn't surprised to see her covered in flour, dough, and "the good stuff"(as she lovingly refers to powdered sugar.)
Now I have a bunch of chocolate cookies that I really shouldn't eat. I'm suspicious that chocolate may be one of the culprits that is causing Jack to spit and have tummy aches, that and milk. sigh.


Shanna said...

these photos are priceless with their cute grandma! keep blogging alisha. you won't regret it!

Jodi said...

How fun for Grandma Vickie! The memories will last long after the mess is cleaned and gone. Love the pictures!