Sunday, July 20, 2008

We survived!

We just finished our summer semester of school! I can't believe we actually did it, we've both been going straight through for the last 3-4 semesters and our biggest break has been about week and a half, so we feel a little burned out!
The exciting thing is that I only have one semester left and Dustin has two and we graduate and are done with classes. That will be an exciting day!

I am officially in my third trimester. I am becoming more excited the closer I get. I still can't believe that I will be a mom in a few months!

Here are some of the spoils from my art classes this semester.... pots from CeramicsThis is a print that I made in printmaking. I carved the image into a copper plate and then put it in some solution that etches the lines into the plate. It was a long process to get all the values. But I was pleased with how it turned out.
This is a book from my book making class. I had to buy an old book at the DI and alter it somehow. So this is what I did. My teacher loved it.
I would show something from Graphic Design, but my jump drive malfunctioned the day before the semester ended, so I lost everything (hopefully I pass the class:)


Amateur Steph said...

Hooray for you guys! Look at your cute/beautiful projects. I love the etching. I also love that picture of you! Such a cute preg-o. So why didn't you post pictures of any of Dustin's final projects????? :)

Unknown said...

Congrats on the semester being over!!! Wahoo!! I love all your art work. You are so talented! I can't believe that you etched that plate! Its so amazing. And your book is pretty rad! is it readable?

alma and nicole smith said...

cool, cool stuff! you make me want to be more creative. will you still teach me how to make books? maybe it could be one of those mini enrichments.

Marcie said...

You are about the cuttest pregnant lady I know! And a very talented artist. Good luck with your last semester.

Unknown said...

Ps. You are looking super cute miss pregnant! And I can't believe you have less than three months left!

David and Jaclyn said...

Oh I love that cute belly...and really Alisha it is not big at all. What a cute pregnant woman you are! Love you both!