Friday, August 29, 2014


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I love this picture. Tracker Jacker was being naughty (nothing new there), and he was put in time out. He hates it. He should hate it, it’s no fun to be in trouble. But he’s sooo cute when he’s naughty that he doesn’t get in trouble as much as he should.  And he’s cute when he sits in time out with his lower lip hanging out. That’s the trouble, he’s just too cute.
Most of the time when my kids get in trouble it’s not a laughing matter. But sometimes as a parent I have to hide my smile when they do something that is so unexpected and naughty that I just want to laugh. There have been prayers that Dustin and I have laughed through, moments where the other parent has to take control of the situation while the other hides around the corner snickering (It’s usually me. Dustin holds it together better than I do). And I’m glad I have those moments, because staying at home with kids can be a monotonous job. And laughing about parts of it keeps me sane. Besides, It’s so easy to be the mad parent, the one who is annoyed by all the disobedience that their kids display. So I am grateful for the moments of hilariousness that come along with it.

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