Monday, May 20, 2013

Jack's First Birthday

I can’t believe my baby is one already. That year really flew by fast.
I wanted to do a cake smash shoot, and was really hoping that Jack would love it. He kind of liked it, but he didn’t eat hardly anything. I guess I should be happy he isn’t obsessed with cake and frosting.
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(I know his hand is blurry, but I still liked the photo)
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All he really wanted to do was smash the cake with the plate. Silly boy.IMG_6764 copyIMG_6766 copyIMG_6777 copyIMG_6778 copyIMG_6787 copyIMG_6783 copy
Well I now have a 4 year old, a 2 year old and a 1 year old. Life is an adventure!
Some facts about Jack at age 1:
He has 6 teeth. 3 on top, 3 on bottom.
He only uses Sippy cups with straws, he won’t tip the other kind back.
He pulls himself up on furniture, and cruises along furniture (if the incentive is great enough).
He’s not very close to walking.
He has the best grumpy face ever, and busts it out whenever you tell him “no.”
He weighs as much as Kyla (27lbs).
He has the best chubby cheeks.
His nicknames include jack-jack and tracker jacker.
We absolutely love him.
Happy Birthday Jack-Jack!

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