Yesterday, the 29th of December, was a very exciting day in our home. Not only did we finally get the crib up (it took three days of retarded instructions and pieces that didn't quite fit right), Sophie rolled over! She did it twice, so we know it wasn't a fluke. It was really fun to watch her, if only she got as excited as we both did... she's camera shy and refuses to smile whenever she see's it. I guess no one will ever believe us that she's a happy baby now.
I know, it seems like babies never do what we want them to when the camera is on, but as soon as you turn it off, they go at it again! She's already getting so big, especially compared to her cute new baby cousin!
Great video. What a cute baby. It was good to see you three over Christmas. Hugs, G-ma Bette
Wahoo! I love that you can see dustin clapping in the corner! So sweet! She is so wiggly! Good job rolling over! Give her a high five for me!
So cute! She is growing so fast! It is amazing how many milestones they reach, make sure to write it down or you will forget! I was just looking back at Gage's 1st year calendar, and was glad to write everything down as it came! Enjoy her!
What a cutie! I'm glad you were able to get this on video. Rori won't do it for us on camera.
It's so fun to see Sophie and all the things she is doing, especially since she is so close to Rori's age, it's fun to see them grow together.
I'm so glad that Sophie is a happier baby now. Colic totally bites! good luck with everything, and congrats on graduating!
That is some awesome rolling action. Good job Sophie!
Hey Alisha and Dustin! What a cute baby! She can already roll over? wow.
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