Friday, October 31, 2008

My Sisters came to visit us last weekend (my mom was here too, but I don't have any of the pictures that they all took with her) and we took Sophie for her first trip to the park. We wanted to take some cool pictures of her in the leaves, but it was too cold to do it without a blanket. So here is Sophie laying in a blanket in some leaves....
I'll post a picture of her Halloween costume when I get it totally done and she wakes up from her nap... So the whole costume idea didn't last long. She woke up from her nap and spit up all over the front of it, which you can kind of see. So I didn't do anything to add to it, since I had to change her. But it's a cute outfit! Thanks Grandma!


Ashley Sullenger said...

I love her!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the new pictures. They are darling. What pretty blue eyes Sophie has. I guess her eyes don't look like mine.
Bunches of love, G-ma Bette

Marcie said...

She is so sweet, I love the picture of you holing her at the top. Always fun to have family come out and help with a new baby.

Unknown said...

Ahhh! I can't get over it! she is so so so so so stinking cute!! And you look good!

Brittany said...

Oh how cute. And how did you manage to get one with her smiling?

Anonymous said...

She makes an adorable kitten!! I love the picture of her in the leaves.