We had our ultrasound this last week, the one where you get to find out what gender your child is. We decided not to find out, I mean, we will find out eventually, when the baby is born... I am convinced that we are having a girl and Dustin is convinced that it will be a boy. I guess that's the only reason that makes it ok for me not to find out, because I like teasing him that we are having a girl. (I really think we're having a girl)
When we took my 5 month picture Dustin decided that he was feeling left out, so we took some photos of his growing belly too! I don't think he comes close to mine. (at least in size, he wins with the hair thing.)

Tonight we did one of Dustin's favorite things... we went to a Choir concert. He's in this class where you are required to go to 6 or 7 concerts during the semester. It's the only way that the campus actually gets students to go to events here, so we got ready and went. It was actually not too bad. I think the choirs are improving here, yay for choir people.
(This is before the concert, Dustin is just so excited to go that he can't stand it, hence the odd look on his face. )
Hooray for your cute belly Dustin...ha ha! Really that was meant for Alisha. Girl, you are still teeny tiny like always though!! Thanks for sharing your pictures with me. I am so excited for you both and your growing family. :) Love you lots. Come and see us soon! We miss you.
Hey I saw your link on your face book account, I hope thats ok! You are tiny! I look like that after I eat lunch! Also I sware someone told me you were having a boy, either way it's exciting. At least your on the second half now, hang in there!
Hey tell Dustin to shave that hair! haha THanks again for helping today! You saved us for sure!
YOu look so cute! I think you are so brve for not finding out the sex of the baby! Thats cool that that is what you decided! I was the opposite. It will be fun to find out who is right! Though dustin has a funny look on his face in that last picture, your look really pretty! I wish I was that small when I was 5 months pregnant. haha, you look so cute! love you!
Hey Girl,
If you held your breath you wouldn't have a tummy. Give it a month or two and Dustin won't be able to compete. In the last picture, Dustin looks like one of the people that Stephanie referred to that she saw at the STP concert. :-) In that same picture, you look like an angel.
Love you, GB
(Hope this didn't post twice.)
I can't believe you're even pregnant! Are you sure? Your tummy is way too small!
Hey Alisha it is Ashley Cram I found your blog throughthe grapevine. It is fun to see people that you grew up with creating families. Congratulations on your new addition that is on the way. Hope all goes well.
ALISHA!!! what's up girl. it has been forever since I've talked to you. Congratulations on the baby. You look amazing!
I found your blog on Jaclyn's, hope that's ok.
Our little girl is due on the 4th of October.
You two are adorable! I found you through Jaclyn, so I hope you don't mind! I am so happy that you are going to be a mommy! You look so cute pregnant!
Tiny tiny belly! You look so cute and Dustin, well that's a different story. Hope to see ya'll at the BBQ!
Hey I had no idea you were expecting! I guess I'm out of the rexburg loop so to speak! I found your blog through Cambree's. Congrats on the pregnancy we are just a few weeks ahead of you with number two!
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