Sunday, February 24, 2008


For Stephanie's Birthday we went snowshoeing in Snow basin. As you can see Hannah had a blast riding on Dustin's back. In the first five minutes of snow shoeing we saw a moose! It was really exciting. Kenzie decided that she was unhappy shortly after, and the easiest way to keep her quiet was to tell her that if we were quiet as we went along then we could see some baby moose. That worked, and she would remind the rest of us to be quiet so we could see some "baby moose's."


Amateur Steph said...

Finally some more excitment from the life of Alisha and Dustin. When are you going to post about being pregnant? :)

Anonymous said...

Hmm, guess Stephanie blew your cover.
Loved your new pictures. Keep it going and don't stop with this blog.
Love you, Grandma Bette

Ashley Sullenger said...

ha a new post!! wahoo!